Me Time Every Time

Are you the one who says any of the following?

I have no time...

What a crazy day....

I am so busy....

I am such a mess....

Where did my day go?...

I am so stressed....

I am so tired....

Ok, I will stop there.  Because if your self talk is even close to any of the above, you have to press PAUSE right NOW and take some ME TIME!  

First off, there will be no fairy G-dmother coming to save you.  You have to save you.  You have to get control again.  How?

1) Ask yourself why you are feeling so confined. What is missing?  Do not ever answer with, "I just need more hours in the day."  Coming soon is the @FitBecauseShow on Pod(VOD)cast, so stay tuned for this particular episode on TIME MANAGEMENT; it is going to be great.  But for today, identify what is missing?  Write it down, NOW.

2) What are your "GO TO's" for decompression?  Check out the video below to see one of mine.


3) Are you happy doing what you do every day?  If not, what will give you more happiness?  In other words, are you passionate?  If not, why?

4)  What can you do today that will make it all about "ME" in other words, YOU?  Write down a list of ME things now!  And then, do them (at least one of them) TODAY!

5) As always, lead your day with gratitude.  What happened today that you are grateful for? An attitude of gratitude is a life of high altitude. Wanna feel up?  Then lift yourself by causing your mind to remain grateful.


I personally shot this selfie video today to demonstrate my reflections of my ME time today.  I have gotten so much done since this time and feel so fulfilled and absolutely where I need to be as I type this post.  Hallelujah for ME time! xo JZ