5 Minute Total Body Workout

Who the heck has time for a workout these days? Not even me, but who the heck has time to go to the doctor? Ha, also not me! I love designing short and tough workouts that allow you to REV up your metabolism in minutes. I created a few 5 minute workouts that you can piece together in sequence OR you can simply repeat this one twice or three times…


Get a timer. Set it for 5 minutes. Get as many rounds and reps as possible (AMRAP) and after 5 minutes, recover for 2 minutes. You can repeat it if you have more time or just know that a vigorous 5 minute session just earned you some tremendous strength gains assuming you are consistently providing your body with frequent exercise as such throughout the week. Remember, you want at LEAST 150 minutes of exercise a week. And that can be broken up into small workouts like this one. For weight loss, you want at LEAST 300 minutes. So do what you CAN, and over time I guarantee you will notice tremendous improvement in your strength, your self esteem and your metabolism. Let’s dive in and leave ALL excuses at the door please.




Double Crunches

Lunges x 5 ea

Switch sides

Side planks x 5 leg abductions

Hip Raises