May 6th 2020 Hour of Power on ZOOM

Always start with a dance party. Just let go and have fun!!!! Be a kid again, And DO NOT CARE!!!! ;)

CORE first:


Legs up the wall

Isometric crunch holds

Block one: 30 seconds each x 3 sets

Goblet squats to calf raises

Plank with kick-throughs

Weighted burpees

Single leg (SL) external rotators

Other leg (SL) alternating biceps

INTERVAL BLAST: 1 minute -Kick for 4 with squat

Block 2: 30 seconds each x 3 sets

Alternating reverse lunge

static iso-lunge to curl

Static iso-lunge other leg overhead triceps press

INTERVAL BLAST: 1 minute-Bird -dog x 4 pushups

Block 3: 30 seconds each x 3 sets

Alternating chest press

Plank alternating low row

Iso squat reverse fly

INTERVAL BLAST: 1 minute-Plank hip extension x 4 with 4 plank jacks

Block 4: 30 seconds each x 3 sets

Iso squat triceps kickbacks

Iso lunge upper cut

Iso lunge (other leg) scaption

INTERVAL BLAST: 1 minute-Crab plank with 4 marches x 2 ankle taps