JZ FITNESS Begins at Any Age

Mr Smith has been so kind to share tickets with me to the Ahmanson Theatre.  I love theatre.  We take these pictures as “progress shots” as he dove deep into the journey of shedding his pounds.

We started training in his mid 60’s and he was an active attorney.  He is now retired, and while time has availed itself more, he has purpose, stamina, and a whole new chapter to write moving forward.  Why? Because he decided to truly commit to his physical fitness and lifestyle changes a few years ago and lost all of his unnecessary weight in a 6-month period.  I am very proud of Mr Smith.  He has struggled with weight for many years but he decided that it was time to just do it.  He has made so many amazing transformations in his life including:

  • Eating small frequent meals
  • Eliminating sweets from the day
  • Walking a minimum of 13000 steps using his Fit Bit
  • Weighing himself once every 2 weeks
  • Trying on his suits regularly until he eventually fit into all of them again
  • Committing to a smaller than usual size for his jeans when he made a new purchase recently (tool #83 in my book)
  • He trains 3 times a week 
  • He sleeps much better at night and avoids night time snacking altogether
  • He has a much higher self esteem and belief in his ability to remain fit and lead an optimal life.
  • He barely ever drinks alcohol

So many people tell me that they are too old, their genes are to blame (I can tell you where to get your genes tested) or that they are too busy to take care of themselves.  I will never buy into any of these stories.  It is impossible to be too busy for yourself, unless you choose to be too busy for yourself.  And if you choose that, then the circumstances will reveal dire results to your health, mind and total being.  As Mr Smith stated very well, “JZ FITNESS begins at any age.”  No matter how busy you are, where you think you are in your life, it is NEVER too late to get fit.  Get the JZ Fitness Nutrition app, start logging your meals, start noting your daily events, start noting your sleep quality, your relationships, your entire way of life.  Start putting yourself first because no one will ever do it for you.  The payoff is strong and you are worth it.