Preparing for Change

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Change is Inevitable.  There aren't too many hands on how-to's when it comes to meeting change effectively which is why I wanted to share this post with you.

I am 32 weeks preggos and a very "busy" entrepreneur who works around the clock. I'm no longer trying to lose 25 pounds, I am a lean and fit bada$$ woman (where I used to struggle with body image my whole teenage life).  I'm no longer in my years of building my brand-I am IN my brand and always expanding it (where I was once trying to figure out what will make my brand different and how the heck do you even build a website).  I am no longer adding credentials to my name, I AM an expert (where as I have a masters degree and over 2 dozen other credentials to elevate my expertise along with years of hands on clinical experience).  And while the learning and personal growth NEVER stop with what I've already accomplished, I'm about to go through one of the biggest changes of my life.  I am about to be a mommy.  WHOOOOOOAH!!!!!!! (screeching sound of breaks...)

But wait.  I volunteered in New York City after 9/11 since I lived only a mile away from the site.  That was horrifying.  I moved across the country 3000 miles to start a new life, that wasn't easy.  I've managed a five star health club as a kid in my early 20's and didn't know what the heck I was doing at first.   I've managed a long distanced relationship for 5 years and as a result fell deeper in love. I've done a whole list of other great things that have proven change in my life and the successful outcomes I've endured from each change.  So how is parenthood different?  It isn't.  It's an opportunity.  A gift.  A chance to take my life to a new level (with the love of my life).  It will bring a lot of huge new beginnings and unknowns BUT all I can do is be as ready as I can be.  And I wanted to share with you some of how I will effectively prepare for this change.  Rather than fear, I say strategize.  Rather than think failure, think success. It is all about the language we use around various items in our life that can truly keep us focused on what we want to see happen!

So why do people fear change?  Simply put; many people fear failing from changing what they know.  Some of what people know, may not be good for them, but they know it and are comfortable with it.  But change can be for the best.  Change can create such ever lasting legacies within our existence and even teach some very valuable lessons.  When WE change, our whole world changes.  It isn't to say that we weren't good enough before the change.  But with every waking moment we truly live our lives, we are inevitably going to be in a different state whether it be because we are one day wiser or one day closer to a goal we've always dreamed of attaining. Well, the time is NOW to get it done, cause like I always say, there ain't a fairy G-d mother showing up to your door to bless you with the change you vision....You've gotta do the work.  There is no other way!

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So let's dive into 4 GREAT ways to endure the road of CHANGE and help you build your future around any change(s) you experience.  Below, I align my example as a mom- to- be to show you what to do with each tool as an overview:

1) Be Crystal Clear About What the Change Is.  I will be a mother in less than 8 weeks. That means no work at all for at least a few days while I go into labor, and then post labor for recovery.  Because a lot of my work can be done at home, I have the luxury of emailing and calling.  However, for the first week, I will not be doing much of anything.  I am at peace with this.  I will communicate with everyone so that no one is disappointed.  I will be transparent with any existing and future business opportunities so that everyone can know what to expect around the time my daughter is born.  Once she is born, I may only take off a full week from at -home work, but a full month from all physical work (personal training, coaching, lectures, etc)  Once I heal, I will go back to my physical, out of home work.

2) Determine Your Boundaries Through the Change: In being a mother, I will need to ensure full recovery for myself.  As an athlete, my competitive nature will need to be put on the shelf until my body physically heals from the trauma of birthing a child.  I remove all expectations of how long this healing will take.  In addition, if people are looking to get anything from me during this healing, I will be clear that this time will be about myself, my baby and the assistance I will receive from my other half.  I will not take anything on within the first 4 weeks of this event. Period.

3) Endure Excitement Around the Change Itself: While I might lose a sh#t ton of sleep, be sore, feel like my body got destroyed (temporarily) and have this tremendous responsibility to another human being, in the end, I am a mother.  A dream I've always had and never knew when that dream would come true.  In the end I get to raise this innocent soul to be the best woman she can be, full of love and contribution to the world, that shall only welcome her with open arms.  I get to be her teacher, her mentor, her roll model as another woman.  This is the biggest gift a girl can ever dream of.  So no matter what, I will always focus on that.

4) Strategize Every Step of the Way.  The change will be tough.  But it is doable.  As a mom to be, I know I will miss the times of independence when I got to get up and just run out the door for a beach run, go quickly to the grocery store, or to do whatever I needed to do.  I can no longer just GO!  I have another human being who needs to be in my picture each day, every day, until she is old enough for school, etc.  But I will forever need to think of her needs, and I am okay with this.  So here are some strategies that are already in place: 

    a) My honey will work on an opposite schedule of mine so that he watches the baby while        I work and vice versa.

     b) I will leave extra time to get the baby ready and packed in the car to come with me to           places I need to go when the hubs is at work.

     c) Tell others how they can be supportive of my change.  People do want to help. I am              beyond grateful for the outpouring amount of love I've received since being preggos.              People are  so amazing and I am blessed to have such amazing people on standby who          are ready to help.  Humble yourself to receive the help that's offered.  

These are just 4 tips to help prevail through any changes you're going through.  If you need more insight on this, please reach out to me.  I am here to help you.  However, I will not be available the week my daughter is delivered, as you can read above (Which is the first week of July 2018). ;)  Here's to happy and healthy changes.  Plan your work and then work your plan.  You will be great!