Turmeric and Black Truffle Cauliflower

Who isn’t a big fan of macaroni and cheese? From my childhood, I remember, that was my staple meal since I was such a finiky eater. Mom used to prep these dishes including lamb chops, grilled chicken, lasagna, you name it. For some reason, my taste buds weren’t feelin’ it. I therefore turned to mac n cheese, or cereal or a bagel with cream cheese. While I would never eat like this nowadays, I once in a while treat myself to rare small serving of something that I usually split with my fiance or a friend. We went to Del Frisco’s Grille and split the mac n cheese and it was out of this world. The waitress revealed their secret: they use truffle oil.  Ah hah.  It was so filling that a few bites did the trick. I went home with a plan. How can I replicate this dish and make it JZ FITNESS approved?

Use cauliflower. Yup! That is it. So while I do not put the cheese on, since I use that cheese in small doses for my Cesar salads, I used the black truffle oil (sprinkle carefully) along with some turmeric since my doctor wants me to lower inflammation post stem cells therapy. Why turmeric? It is suspected that turmeric lowers inflammation in the body. It is used for arthritis,heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems and gallbladder disorders. Turmeric is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, and cancer. (WEBMD) Just like any other “home remedy” there are potential risks to taking too much of it.  Consider all implications of turmeric before consuming it and if you do consume it, do so with previous knowledge as to how much you should take.

And you might ask what stem cells therapy is.  That is a whole other post. If you are dealing with something orthopedically, please email me directly and I can introduce you to my doctor.  He is certainly the cutting edge doc of the century.

And so, the dish below is what I came up with and it was amazing. Very easy to make. And once you make it, pack it up so that you can put it on top of salads the next day or eat it like a snack as is.

What you need:

  1. Cauliflower (A head or bag of)
  2. Black truffle oil (or black truffle infused olive oil)
  3. Turmeric

What to do:

Get a pan and put the cauliflower into the pan.  Carefully sprinkle on the truffle oil.  Don’t put too much on otherwise it will be soggy.  Next, sprinkle on some turmeric and then bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Check your cauliflower to see if it is soft.  Some people like it more cooked than others so gauge it and take it out once it fits your liking.  Enjoy it!