Quarantine Zoom Workout April 15th

There is a lot of complimentary at home workouts during this difficult time. There is no reason to not move. The resources are out there and I am here to provide you with programs as well. Remember, go slowly, focus on core engagement, focus on which muscles you are targeting, and then go for it. Enjoy. Sweat. And stay healthy!!! This is your life and nothing can hold you back!!!!! Rock it!

The Workout

Dance Party warmup

Block one

Inchworm to Pushups x 1 min

High knees x 30 seconds


Block two:

30 second intervals

Clam shells -right side

Side plank crunches-right side

switch sides

Quadruped kickbacks to single leg dog

Squat to calf raises


Block three:

Repeat Inchworms interval above

Block four:

30 second intervals

Plank reverse fly

Seated leg wipers

Lateral lunge to single leg balance

Jump squats