Quarantine Vinyasa YOGA class on Zoom

Yoga is an excellent compliment to all the high intensity interval training and strength training we do. I do suggest you pay very very close attention to alignment when doing yoga. Some people will need to consult their doctor before doing yoga.

Here are some tips for anyone diving into this class:

1) Always make sure your knees track straight. Never turn without pivoting in the feet and that will help avoid hip and knee pains. Also, when we do warrior 2 or even warrior 1, make sure your back knee is never “floating”. Your hip and glute girdle should always be engaged to avoid any undue stress to the knee at all times.

2) When doing chatarangas, only lower halfway down and PIN those elbows in to your side body.

3) Always think dead-bug with all you do. In other words, your core is always engaged. Always

4) Do not wear socks or shoes. Use a non slip mat and have a towel handy

5) Breathe. If you lose your breath, chances are you are moving too quickly and aren’t listening to my cues.

6) Do this program in a room that offers you tranquility and focus. Light a candle. Shut the door. Tell your loved ones you have a 1 hour obligation to your practice. And truly escape for the hour to honor your mind and body.

So here we go. Enjoy and namaste!